Sunday, February 5, 2012


Very short but interesting visit with Mom tonight.

I stopped by around 6:30, on my way to meet some friends from work for dinner and drinks.  Mom was sitting on a bench in the main activity room, on a bench next to one of her girlfriends, wearing a bright red pajama top, her depends, and no pants.

'Hi Mom.  Why don't you have any pants on?'

"Well I have my night shirt on, and I'm not going anywhere."

'Oh, ok.  You sure you don't want to go down and change?'

"No, but can you fix my tv?  The sound is broken again."

I went down to her room and turned the volume on the TV back up. On the way back down the hall, one of the nurses said - "you saw your mother out there right?  I was going to go get her as soon as I finished this round of meds."

I went back to Mom and told her I fixed her tv.  I then told her I was going to pick her up so that we could go out to camp to watch the superbowl tomorrow.

"So are we leaving now? Do you need me to go get dressed?"

'No, tomorrow Mom.'

"Oh, ok."  The woman beside her said "Tie my shoe."  Both of her shoes were tied. Mom leaned over to tie her shoes and then said "They're both tied.  Double knots even... you've tied them up good!" and started laughing.

In general she was being social and in good spirits tonight.  She even told me I looked sexy in my tight jeans as I was walking out the door.

Well alrighty - "Thanks, Mom.  See you tomorrow." :-)

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