Friday, February 17, 2012


I fell asleep before posting yesterday!  I did have a few notes.

I went to see Mom in the afternoon - 2:30 ish.  Mom was in her room, and was in a much better mood, but still confused.  She was telling me that she told the nurses she would be in her room, so there was no point n taking the trolley down.

'Taking the trolley down? Where are you going?'

"With you.  Of course I can't leave until 4."

We had more discussions about her living there.  She was in an ok, mood just confused.  She was wearing a different pair of glasses, and they were dirty.  Then one of the other residents just walked in an started looking around her bedroom.  It was kind of uncomfortable...but I suppose they all get confused and walk into each other's rooms from time to time.  When I asked mom about her glasses she went and got another pair out of her drawer...also not her good ones.  She went over to the sink to clean them and asked "How do I turn this microwave on?"

'Do you mean the sink, Mom?'

"No, I was just turning on my microwave so that I could clean my glasses."

'You don't have a microwave anymore, Mom.  They take care of all the cooking for you.'

"I know.  I'll get it straight sooner or later."

That's all I had as far as notes...I do remember talking about her feet.  The nurses had called me during the day to tell me that her feet were looking much better.  I remember mom telling me they were taking good care of her and keeping her feet propped up.

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