Sunday, February 12, 2012


Missy and I went to see Mom early yesterday (writing today because we got home too late last night).

It was around 2:30, on our way to a gymnastics meet.  Mom was a little disoriented today.  There were lots of ladies out in the main room, but the nurses said she was in her room.  When we walking in, it was crazy host in her apartment, and she was in her bedroom struggling to dress herself after an apparent accident.

Her winter coat and purse were sitting on the table.  'Are you going somewhere, Mom?'

"I thought you and I were going somewhere today."

'No, not today.  I have to take Missy to a gymnastics meet in Virginia beach.'

"Oh that's probably too far for me then"

We chatted for a little while and then walked with her out to the main room.  During that time she told us all about her gymnastics classes, which she takes with all the 40 and 50 year olds apparently.  "You should see us shakin our thing.  The guys look at us just as much as they look at girls your age, Missy."  She also wished Missy luck and told her to have an extra special meet.

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