Sunday, February 26, 2012


Wow, what a difference a day makes.  Maybe yesterday was a little too much excitement for Mom?

I got to her place around 7 tonight, and remembered to bring her milk, cereal and orange juice.  I walked into her apartment 'Hi Mom.  What are you doing?'


'Packing for what?'

"For when we go."

'Go where?'

"Somewhere.  To wherever we're going next."  Here we go again...

She had taken all of the clothes out of her closet, and all of her pictures off the wall.  We went back and forth about this being her place. She kept asking for how long, and I kept telling her for a long, long time...that this was her home.  I told her she needed to stop packing things up - 'Your bed is a mess - where are you going to sleep tonight, Mom?'

"I have the other room in there."

'What other room?'

"Right over there...I have the other room."

'That's a closet, Mom'  as she walked over to open it.

"Yeah, that's a closet." She went into the living room and sat in her rocker. I could tell she was a little sad as she realized she had been confused.

'It's ok, Mom.  I'll get this stuff put away.  I brought you some milk and cereal.'

"Oh great!" she said with a huge smile.  I fixed the channel and volume on her tv, and hung all her clothes back up.  She looked fine when I left.

'See you tomorrow, Mom.'

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