Then I noticed she had lipstick and jewelry on too. You look great, Mom! You must have had a good day.
"So what have you been doing all day?"
Just working.
"You've been working a lot, haven't you? I was wondering if you were going to come. I wish I still had my car. I could go to the movies or something. I love this lotion, it really takes care of the chapping. You have to keep using it and using it, but it really makes a difference."
What's it called?
She read the bottle with no issues - "The Blue Spa, Super Rich Footcare. I think I saw it on sale on the commercial, 2 for 1. Do you want a bottle?"
No, that's ok, Mom.
"Well you bought me plenty. I've got 3 bottles.!"
Paula bought you those for Christmas.
"Oh that's right. Thank you Paula!" After a few more minutes "This is the first year I've never had a car. It feels so funny. That's the only thing I really miss is my car. I bought it myself - the Plymouth. I paid cash for it, and had to save for 3 months. It was even better than Mom and Dad's. Mother used to like riding in it because it had so much more foot room."
We continued to watch ET and Inside Edition, like we used to in her old apartment. She also said - "The one thing I really like about this place is that the nurses come and give you your medicine. They have a timer and say - it's Pearl's turn! I never have to worry about it."
She asked what time it was, thinking her watch was off, which it was. I reset it for her and we relaxed a bit. Her place smelled great - like fresh flowers and lotion. Thanks, Paula!
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