Mom was looking/feeling much better today. I got there around 6:30 and she was still out in the dining area socializing with 3 of the other residents and one of the nurses. The nurse told me Mom said "You look tired - you should sit down" and so the nurse was sitting on Mom's walker right beside her.
I just sat and relaxed for 30 minutes or so...and I do mean relaxed. It is a very peaceful environment.
Among many other things, Mom told me "I got the job! I got the job! I had all my interviews, and they chose me"
'Awesome! Congrats!'
Apparently she is now going to be collecting surveys from all the people in Charlottesville so that they can find out what's causing all the coughs. She also told me how to diagnose and treat coughs, and a little later that she is now the lead chef evaluator too. Definitely full of smiles tonight.
Miss Alice was there. She is one of my favorite nurses.... you can just tell she has a great soul. She told me Mom said her feet were hurting her, so they had a look, and that her toenails were in bad shape. I knew that. Due to the diabetes they've been that way for years, and in the dementia unit she is in there are no sharp objects or nail clippers allowed. She gave me a form to sign so that next week the podiatrist who stops by once a week can treat her. That's something I should have done for her years least she's getting the care she needs now.
She asked where Trish was, then Missy and Jaymz, and whether I needed to pick Missy up. Nope - she can drive herself now. She also said several times "I like it here. It's nice to just sit and chat with you."
'Yes it is, Mom. Very relaxing for me too'. Then we talked about the beautiful murals on the walls, which she told me the artist was paid $10,000 to paint. Not sure about that but sounds good to me. :-)
I told her I think Paula sent her some flowers, and she said, "Oh really? That's right, my birthday is on the 27th" (of Feb). I said 'yes it is.' and she said "Yay! I got it right! I finally remembered. Now let's see what year it is.. 19... 19 hmm... it must be" I heard her trying to figure it out, but kept looking at my phone as if I didn't. After a few seconds she stopped trying. I thought - who cares what year it is anyway? It doesn't matter if you stay in the present.
Finally Mom says - "If you get a chance, can you buy me some milk?"
'Sure, I'll bring some with me tomorrow'. That was one thing I had to buy her each week without fail in her old apartment. There was always milk in the refrigerator and cereal in the cabinets...mostly for her to eat when she overslept and missed meals, which was starting to happen a lot before the transition. Alice heard us talking and said - "you know we can always order her up some milk and cereal from the cafe." Then she went into their office and brought out two small cartons of milk and 3 individual sized cereal boxes. "I'm not sure if this is the kind she likes, but she's welcome to it."
I walked mom back to her apartment and we put her milk in the fridge. She also asked if I can find her a coffee pot, which I don't think she is allowed to have, but I told her I would ask about it. I gave her a hug and told her I would see her tomorrow. Something tells me she's going to sleep just a weeee bit better tonight. At least she's trying to make herself at home.
I went straight to the gym and worked out.
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