Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Mom looked great tonight.  Her room was COLD this time, so I turned the heater on.

I got there around 7 and we just watched TV, chit-chatting.  She was just making conversation, asking me how I was, very pleasant.  "So what have you been doing all day?"

Just working, Mom.  Like always.

"Boy I bet you'll get a nice check this week!"

Yes, I'm very lucky.

"You really like this job, don't you?"

I thought to myself - heh...which one?  And then I just answered... 'Yes, I sure do.'  I haven't told her about my business.  I doubt she remembers what I do or who I work for.  A few years ago she used to always listen to updates for my company's stock price and would tell me if we were red or green when I saw her. Now she probably doesn't remember, and it's more effort than its worth to try to explain.  Doesn't really matter does it?  I'd rather talk about how she's doing in the here and now.

I asked what she had been up to all day. "Well, we got to go singing.  downstairs.  We were all singing Christmas carols.  I have no idea how we sounded."  It just kept getting better. "But these were IRISH Christmas carols, of course.  And the man said this one's for Pearl and all the other Irish people out there.  The men were singing so this." - she started singing.

"What's Paula doing tonight?"

'I don't know Mom.  I guess she's at home.'

"Where?"  At home I guess.

"Oh at home, cleaning house I bet.  You know once you have that 3rd... no wait...I mean second one, it changes and you have to clean, clean, clean. One day you'll come home and....gasp....face powder all over the floor!" I was trying to remember if I had done that.

I told her I needed to leave was almost 8, and I wasn't sure Jaymz had even eaten. Not that I cook for him or anything...I was just tired as heck and making an excuse.  "Just pull out a pot pie.  I used to always go grocery shopping on Fridays.  I would buy about 6 pot pies and then I would never need to worry about food.  If someone stopped by, at least I would have something to offer."  Funny - I don't remember a lot of pot pies, but never paid much attention, I guess.

"I'm glad you stopped in tonight.  It's always nice to see you.  I was getting kind of lonely."

I'm glad I stopped in too, Mom.  See you tomorrow.

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