Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I had a good visit with Mom tonight.  I got there around 7, and Mom was in the activity room with several other residents, sitting on one of the benches wearing shorts.

'Hi, Mom. Why do you have shorts on?'

"Why not? I'm not going out anywhere, and it isn't cold or anything."

'True. true.' I sat down on the seat on her walker.  'So what have you been up to all day?'

"Oh we've had a good day.  We just got done playing bingo."

'Really? Did you win?'

"Pssshhhh... no.  I was trying to remember your phone numbers.  I don't have either your home or work telephone numbers written down, and I should.  Just in case I need to reach you, or is something were to happen to me."

'If anything happens, Mom, they know how to get in touch with me.'

I didn't take notes tonight, just sat and chatted with her.  There wasn't much out of the ordinary.  She continued to be very concerned about phone numbers, and remembering where all of her children work.  Once I told her, she talked a lot about how good Kenny was at his job, and that he whistled a lot when he worked...and kept repeating Paula and my company names to make sure she remembered.

One thing I could definitely tell is that she had been browsing through a phone book, and watching way too much election coverage on TV.  I got an education on all the legislation being debated that will take money away from widows, which would mean she couldn't afford to live here anymore."

She also told me my hair looked nice, and complimented me on my outfit.

"I really miss my Mom.  I think the only thing I did to disappoint her was having my children too young.  I was just a teenager."  This was odd to me, because she was 30 when she had me, and 22/married when she had my older brother.

"I miss my car, too. Of course they cost so much as far as insurance goes.  That would totally break me."

'It's ok Mom.  Everything is paid for here.  We can just relax and enjoy."

"I do like it here.  This is the best place I've ever lived."

'Did you eat your ice cream all up?'

"I have ice cream?" "Here?" her face was definitely lighting up.."Oh, I'll have to go gobble that up!"

We talked a little more and then I headed out.  I looked back as I was walking away.  I learned awhile back that you always need to look back, because often they are waving at you as you go.  Instead, she was talking to the woman sitting beside her.  "That's my oldest daughter, Kim."

There was such pride in her voice.  The woman beside her was in a more advanced stage, and I don't think understanding or responding to a word she said.

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