Thursday, January 19, 2012


Missy and I arrived safely in Orlando.  Not much to report... I didn't have time to see Mom before our flight left this morning, and Trish had a long day of work/school/driving Jaymz home, and she couldn't check on her either, but she will tomorrow.  At least we know she is being looked after and taking her medicine.

I'm sitting here remembering when Mom came with us to Florida.  I think it was in the Spring of 2002.  It was shortly after I moved home from Arizona...I had tons of Marriott points and wanted to thank her for all of her help with the kids the previous summer, and we stayed in a nice place.  It was a busy week!...Sea World, Epcot, The Magic Kingdom, and an hour or two at MGM.  The kids were all at ages where they could enjoy everything, and we had a great trip.  I don't remember everything, but I think we drove??  Or we may have had miles too...I can't believe I don't remember that.

'2002' doesn't sound like it was that long ago, less than 10 years even... and it is startling to think of how quickly things change, and how much she has slid down hill.  I do remember at the time that we had to get her a motorchair because she had difficulty walking, and she has always had moods and outbursts... but other than that, she still had it together back then.  She was working at camp and managing her own affairs.  For her it was supposed to be a break from taking care of HER mother, my grandma.

Just reflecting on how important it is to enjoy every day we have.  They pass by before you know it!

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