Saturday, March 17, 2012


Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Mom had a busy day today.  Trish and I stopped by around 3:30 today, thinking we would grab Mom just before they served dinner and take her out instead.  When I walked in, Mom was sitting in the activity room at a table by herself, and she said "Hey. Over here.  I lost Kenny.  I can't find him anywhere."  She started talking about a movie, and popcorn, and how she had gone to Grandma Ackenbom's house with Kenny and everybody.

I thought she was imagining things.  'Do you want to go out to eat with me and Trish?'

"Eat again? Oh no.  I've had too much already."

'Are you sure?  We were thinking we could go to IHOP.'

"Oh, ok." she didn't sound very excited.

I went to tell the nurse I was taking her out, and she said... "Oh wow. Again? 2 trips in one day, boy Miss Pearl sure is lucky." As it turns out Kenny had stopped by to see her earlier, along with Terrie and Karina.  They had taken Mom downstairs to watch Celtic Women, and really had a great time celebrating St. Patrick's day.

I started to take Mom out anyway, but we got about halfway down the long hall, and she was really wobbly and stopped to rest.  She was exhausted.  'We can go out some other day if you want, Mom.'

"Really? I think I would like that much better." We slowly made our way back to her room.  She was chatting about random things, and seemed to be in a positive mood.  Trish and I met up with Kenny, Terrie, and Karina afterwards, and had a Irish food and a great time.  I'm glad Mom had a chance to see them and share in some Irish fun too.

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